Wednesday 13 January 2010

In the beginning...

Before the dawn of man there was nothing but stars and dust.
That's right stars and dust....and maybe little bits of meteor shrapnel from God’s morning bowl of muesli.
And on this meteor shrapnel rode a life form not unlike a younger, slightly cheekier looking David Bowie.
His name was Susan, SORRY, Cassius.
Riding the meteor like a Sherbet Dib Dab across the Cosmos, blowing camp kisses at Uranus, he landed on the newly formed Planet Earth. High fiving Buddha and standing proudly on espadrilles made from the tears of Virgo, Cassius exclaimed...

'This Earth will never do. I shall return once there are things called streets, where people will shuffle about shouting bloody murder at over packed buses. Where cinemas will provide shelter for rampaging chavs with sticky underpants. Where bars are full of wanks dressed like Napoleon Dynamite with moustaches stained with houmous, their Dutch bicycles neatly chained up outside with baskets overflowing with chick peas. Yes, I shall return once this has been achieved.'

And with that Cassius flicked his fringe out of his eyes and soared back into the Universe to dream away the next millennia.
So exodus, exodus, exodus, parting of the Dead Sea, Russell Crowe as a Roman general, blah, blah, blah, Victorian ankle blushing, penny farthings, War! (What is it good for?), Britney Spears and Big Brother...and he's back. This time to forge a career amongst the honest, ever so frustrated at the economy but enjoying Friday night, people of the 21st Century.

Yes, hello everybody, welcome to my blog. I've decided to set one up to practice my writing skills and voice my opinion on everything from BBC documentaries to Lady GaGa’s nether regions. From the film scores of Clint Mansell to Davina McCall’s workout DVD’s. Literally, I’m just gonna be whoring out my opinion on pop culture in general. Plus, this shit looks good on a CV!
I’m gonna try and update it scrap that. I WILL update this everyday (PMA PMA!) from my icy lair in Hackney. So please leave feedback or suggest things that you might like to read about.
I hope you enjoy it. And if you do, pass on the good word.

Love Susan...SHIT Cassius. Sorry x


  1. I look like Billy 'No Mates' on this thing, so please leave any suggestions or criticisms you might have and I'll ignore them ;-)

  2. Loving the idea and know that you will rock out with the opinions.
    I went to see 'The Road' last night and please do your readers and yourself a favour and don't waste your time with it. It is both confusing and depressing, two emotions I believe shouldn't mix.
    Bye for now x

  3. you're a beautiful man Susan...Sorry Cassius! I will follow you like you have never been followed before. From the Cosmos, back to your icy lair in Hackney, and all weird and wonderful places inbetween. Loving your work! Much love xx
